The Light of Aloha

Kauai Photography Workshop

March 22-27, 2025 — Only 6 Spots Available!

Join us on a photo adventure like no other on the island paradise that is Kauai! You’ll be part of a small group of photographers (and soon-to-be friends) setting out to shoot natural wonders like the Na’Pali Coast, Waimea Canyon — The Grand Canyon of the Pacific, and Hanalei Bay. Along the way, you’ll learn the exact process I have used to take my own images from meh to meaningful.

You’ll leave the island with a stunning portfolio of keepers, lifelong memories and more confidence in your ability to create unique landscape photographs!

Workshop Highlights

  • Dramatic Vistas At Every Turn

    Kauai is a photographer’s dream — with its diverse landscapes, rich colors & rainbows around every corner. You’ll photograph it all!

  • A Na'Pali Coast Sunset Dinner Cruise

    To truly appreciate and photograph the splendor of the iconic Na’Pali coast, we’ll get on a sunset cruise — steak dinner included.

  • An Optional Doors-Off Helicopter Flight

    Much of Kauai isn’t accessible by road. So we’ll get in the air! The helicopter tour is an add-on, in case you’re not a fan of heights.

What You’ll Learn…


    The one thing you need to focus on if you want to take more meaningful photos.

    It always leaves me baffled that most workshop instructors won't teach this — when it makes all the difference between a good photo and a great one. Hint: It has nothing to do with your camera.


    The techniques you need — and don’t need — to create compelling compositions.

    You’ll leave this workshop feeling more confident to achieve proper exposure even in the most challenging light conditions, get tack-sharp focus, and you’ll know when to use (& when not to use) filters, long exposures, and other tools.


    The surefire way to finding your own style as a landscape photographer.

    With these easy-to-implement strategies, you’ll jumpstart developing your own vision and style as a photographer before ever pressing the shutter button on your camera — even if you’re just starting out.


    A foolproof, simple-to-use post-processing workflow that makes editing a breeze.

    These steps will take the intimidation out of previously intimidating software like Lightroom and Photoshop! Plus: I’ll show you how to quickly choose which photos to edit.


    Optional astrophotography sessions that will expand your vision even further.

    Learn the simple technique that ensures your night sky photos are always in focus. Plus: I’ll show you how to include a beautifully-exposed foreground in your astro images!


    As if all of that wasn’t enough already — there’s this fact…

    You’ll learn how to create a unique portfolio in one of the most stunning photo locations on the planet! You'll make beautiful images, new friends AND memories of a lifetime!

I Reimagined The Workshop Experience.

Here’s what makes my workshops different than the other guys.

You’ll have more time.

Here’s the truth: You’ll only see magic when you don’t have to rush. That’s why you’ll have six full days of photography and instruction on this workshop, while most other tours will try and cram in the same amount of locations in four or five days.

You’ll be more comfortable.

During this workshop, we’ll stay at the beautiful Kauai Shores Hotel. And unlike on most other photo workshops out there, there is no sharing rooms with your fellow photographers just so the instructor can make an extra buck. All my workshops include comfortable, single occupancy, private-room accommodations. Trust me: After a day of adventuring and learning, you’ll want that undisturbed rest!

Oh, and unlike most other workshops, your tuition also includes accommodation the night before & after the workshop. It’s just the most practical thing for you, and I hate hidden fees as much as you!

You won’t be on your own when you’re back home.

Unlike most photo tour operators out there, I won’t leave you hanging once you get on the plane again. Long after you’re back home, I’ll continue to help you become a better, more confident nature photographer — with available follow-up calls, post-processing advice, image reviews, an invitation to my private Facebook group, and so much more. All at no extra cost.

Kauai is a photographer’s dream!

A Peek At What You’ll Photograph…

Your Instructor.

Kauai is my happy place. From the moment I first set foot on this magical island paradise, I was in love. I’ve photographed many beautiful places in my career, but this place… was different. It looked different. The light somehow was warmer (locals keep telling me that’s the Aloha). But more importantly, it felt different.

Ever since that day, I have returned to Kauai many times, photographing every wondrous corner of this island from land, air and sea. And even all these years later, I still haven’t lost my fascination for this place that so perfectly fits how I view — and teach — photography: As the art of connection. I hope you will join me on this adventure. I can’t wait to share this place, its beauty and its special light with you!

Happy Students Make Me Happy!

Edwin, previous Kauai Photography Workshop student

“Before this workshop, photography was all about luck for me… I was a photographer who would just go off the fly.

Now I know how to be more intentional and deliberate. One of the biggest things I learned here on Kauai is how to get more in tune with my surroundings before taking a photo, and to take a little bit more time instead of rushing through everything.”

Save Your Seat Today!

Save Your Seat Today!


Doors-off helicopter tour available as an add-on for an additional $500 fee.

The Dates

March 22-27, 2025

Physical Difficulty

Only minimal hiking required. Most locations are accessible with just a short walk.

What’s Included

— Six full days of hands-on instruction by an award-winning fine art photographer — Access to Kauai’s most stunning photo locations — All private hotel accommodations on the island (including the night before and after the workshop) — All local transportation — A farewell dinner — Continued support on your photo journey long after the workshop ends —

What’s Not Included

— Camera Equipment — Your Flights — Travel Insurance (recommended!) — All Other Food & Alcoholic Drinks —

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Save Your Seat Today!

Save Your Seat Today!

The Workshop Itinerary.

Here’s how this six-day photography adventure is going to go down… And when I say six full days, I mean six full days. We’ll start at sunrise, March 22, and we’ll end at sunset, March 27.

Don’t worry, the hotel nights before and after the workshop are included in your tuition! But you are going to want to book flights that have you arrive at Lihue International Airport on March 21, 2025, and leave March 28.

  • It’s arrival day! The workshop doesn’t officially start until tomorrow morning at sunrise, but you’ll be flying into Lihue International Airport today. There’ll be a shuttle picking you up and dropping you off at the workshop Hotel, the Kauai Shores Hotel, where you will check into your newly-renovated Garden View single-occupancy hotel room.

    Tonight, we will meet up for an informal welcome beverage, a brief introduction and overview of the workshop — as well as a safety briefing. The rest of the night is open for you to get comfortable, maybe get a taste of local food at the oceanview Hotel restaurant, or shoot your first sunset on the island.

    You’ll definitely want to make It an early night, though — the fun starts bright and early tomorrow long before the rooster crows…

  • Today, we get things going! Traditionally, I start each photographing sunrise at the iconic Tunnels Beach (weather forecast permitting). After our sunrise session, we’ll have time for some breakfast, exploring the island, a first image review session and some rest.

    Because later in the afternoon, we’ll set out to photograph our first sunset of the workshop, at a beautiful off-the-beaten-path beach (should conditions allow — if not, we’ have a backup plan).

  • Time for day 2! We will once again rise before the sun to photograph the sunrise over Waimea Canyon — aptly nicknamed the “Grand Canyon of the Pacific.”

    After our sunrise session, we’ll have time for some breakfast, image reviews and some rest before we get ready to board a 65’ catamaran that will take us out onto the waters along the iconic Na’Pali Coast, where we’ll photograph the late-afternoon light gracing the otherworldly ridges, while the staff treats us to your beverage of choice and a delicious steak dinner!

    Once safely back ashore after sunset, we’ll drive back to the hotel to get some much-earned rest!

  • After last night’s sunset cruise extravaganza, we are setting out for another sunrise session, this time at the stunning Hanalei Bay with its incredibly photogenic pier.

    Afterward, we’ll have time for breakfast in town, another image review session and some rest.

    For our sunset session tonight, we will — weather-permitting — visit the Kilauea Lighthouse.

  • Today, we are staying close to the Hotel for our sunrise session, visiting a palm-tree-laden park in the nearby town of Kapaa.

    Afterward, as always, there’ll be time for breakfast, image reviews and some rest before those of us who chose to add the doors-off helicopter flight get ready to get into the air for what will be one of the greatest photography experiences you’ll likely ever have.

    After we are back on solid ground, we’ll regroup and photograph the sunset at a beautiful overlook that’s just a short drive from the helipad.

  • We’ve got two more full days together — and we’ll make the most out of them. Today, we are photographing sunrise on the beautiful South Shore of the island.

    Afterward, it’s our usual combination of breakfast, image reviews and rest before we get ready for our sunset session…

    …which will take us to one of the most stunning views of the entire island, looking into the heart and soul of the mind-blowing Na’Pali Coast!

  • We are photographing our final sunrise together — at yet another beautiful secluded beach.

    After breakfast, image reviews and rest, we will spend the rest of the day on Kauai’s scenic North Shore, photographing the sunset here before spending our final evening together at a pre-organized Farewell Dinner at one of our favorite local restaurants!

  • It’s time to travel back home. Checkout at the hotel is at 10 a.m., and we will organize a shuttle to the airport.

Also… (and this is important…)

You'll have peace of mind that you are on a workshop with a fully licensed, bonded, insured and experienced photography tour operator with Wilderness First Responder & CPR training. That **should** of course be common sense, but you’d be surprised how many photographers out there offering workshops skip the paperwork and — by doing so — leave you vulnerable if things go awry. I don’t cut corners.

BONUS: When you save your spot today, you’ll get a FREE 90-minute Zoom photo consultation with me before the workshop even starts (a $149 value!)

Don’t miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime photo trip!

I keep my groups of only 6 students per workshop intentionally smaller than most other instructors because I want to focus on your individual needs & goals.

But that means this opportunity will fill up fast!



Kauai Photography Workshop — March 22-27, 2025
from $6,995.00
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Is This Workshop Right For You?

  • This workshop is for you if...

    … you want to take your photos from meh to meaningful.

    … you’re a beginner, hobbyist or professional photographer. Creativity is a journey, and every ambitious landscape photographer will walk away with valuable lessons from this workshop, no matter their current experience level.

    … you’ve tried other ways to learn The Art of Seeing. You’ve watched the YouTube videos and read the books — but you didn’t find the secret ingredient to truly meaningful images. You’ll find it on this workshop.

    … you’re collaborative, kind and curious to learn new ways of doing things. The best workshops are those when all members of this small group arrive in Kauai with an open mind and an open heart, ready to share an amazing experience with a handful of kindred spirits. That’s when magic happens.

  • This workshop is not for you if...

    you're only trying to figure out how to use the buttons on your camera. This workshop experience will go far beyond how to use a camera to photograph nature. On this workshop, I will help you explore why you want to use a camera — and then use that awareness to create truly unique images.

    you’re looking for a relaxing vacation. These workshops are taxing — in all the best ways. I’ll do my best to carve out time to rest. But most photography sessions will happen around sunrise and sunset when the light is most beautiful. That makes for long days. It’s simply part of what it takes to create nature images that amaze.

    you’re exclusively a portrait, street or commercial photographer. This experience is for landscape photographers. But: I absolutely do welcome photographers from other disciplines who want to dip their toe in the wonderful waters of nature photography!

Save your spot today before this bucket-list photo trip fills up!

Kauai Photography Workshop — March 22-27, 2025
from $6,995.00
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Will you continue to jealously scroll Instagram to see amazing images…

…or are you ready to learn how to create your own?


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✺ Frequently Asked Q’s ✺

  • All skill levels are welcome, including beginners! The only prerequisite is that you have an interest in landscape photography, have a camera and are willing to learn a new way to approach the art of photography.

  • The best airport to fly into for the Kauai photography workshop is Lihue Airport on the eastside of the island. Our hotel is a short drive from the airport, and there will be a shuttle available.

  • We will stay at the centrally-located, beautiful oceanfront Kauai Shores Hotel a short drive from Lihue Airport. You do not need to call the hotel to book your room! I have reserved a block of newly-remodeled single-occupancy rooms, and I will let the hotel know that you will be taking one of them. The cost of the hotel accommodation — including the night before and after the workshop — is included in your non-refundable workshop tuition. Please know that the hotel may require a credit card at the time of check-in for incidentals — which will be your sole responsibility to pay for.

  • Absolutely! I’d love to have you. Please just know that all instruction will be provided in English (with a slight German accent!) — so a basic level of knowledge of the English language is required for the successful participation in my workshops. Please also know that all travel arrangements, including but not limited to international airfare, the appropriate paperwork and any potential required visas, are your sole responsibility to obtain.

  • All my workshop accommodations are single occupancy with a single king or queen bed — so yes, technically you could choose to bring your significant other, child or friend, as long as you can share a room & a bed. Please note though that space in our adventure vehicle is limited and we intentionally keep our groups very small for a collaborative workshop environment that focuses on your unique needs as a photographer — therefore we cannot accommodate plus ones during any of our in-the-field or classroom sessions. Your travel companion would need to be okay with spending a lot of alone time — or join us as a full-time member of the group, in which case a separate (paid) reservation would become necessary. To get the most out of this experience, I strongly recommend you dedicate yourself fully to this experience and eliminate potential conflicts of interest or distractions arising from bringing along someone else.

  • The physical rating for this workshop is moderate. Most of the locations we will photograph at are accessible roadside or via short walks. So bad knees, bad backs, and other ailments won’t stop you from joining us (although participation always remains your judgment call, and we do not assume any risk!). Read our full assumption of risk policy here:

    “Participant acknowledges that participation in the Workshop involves physical activities, and Participant also understands that participation in the Workshop poses potential risks of bodily injury, including serious bodily injury, or death, as well as potential personal property damage or loss. Participant affirms that there are no health-related reasons or problems which preclude Participant’s participation in the Workshop.  Participant affirms that if Participant believes their participation in any part of the Workshop is unsafe, Participant will immediately discontinue their participation in the Workshop.

    Participant fully understands that the Workshop involve risk which may be caused in whole or in part by Participant’s own actions or inactions; the actions or inactions of other individuals; the presence of animals and/or wildlife; weather conditions, and other conditions that are beyond the control of Gesing. Participant also fully understands and acknowledges that there may be other risks arising from or associated with the Workshop either not known to Gesing or Participant or not readily foreseeable at this time and Participant fully accepts and assumes all such risks and all responsibility for losses, costs, and damages that Participant may incur as a result of Participant’s participation in the Workshop.”

    • 6 days intensive in-the-field teaching by a renowned, award-winning photographic artist

    • Small group size for lots of one-on-one time

    • Private accommodation included

    • Farewell Dinner

    • Light snacks & soft drinks

    • Transportation in an adventure-ready van for easy, quick access to locations

    • Extensive opportunities for image reviews and instant feedback

    • Learn techniques how to choose which photos to work on in post processing

    • Access to some of Kauai’s most stunning locations with the chance to create a breathtaking portfolio. In this workshop, I consciously chose a mix of iconic scenery and more off-the-beaten-path locations, drawing from my years of experience creating award-winning photographs in the area

    • Night photography instruction for those interested

    • Learn how to create more personally expressive imagery, even in places that have been photographed 100s of times before

    • Post processing instruction, including advanced techniques such as focus stacking, HDR, panorama stitching and Intentional Camera Movement

    • Peace of mind that you are on a workshop run by a fully licensed, bonded, insured and experienced photography tour operator (this should be common sense, but many photographers out there offering workshops skip the paperwork and leave you vulnerable if things go awry)

    Your chance to improve your photography doesn’t stop when the workshop ends (ADD MONETARY VALUE):

    • Lifetime access to private Lars Gesing Image Academy Facebook group — your chance to stay in touch and continue learning with peers

    • 60-minute follow-up call with Lars two weeks after the workshop concludes to go over thoughts and problems you had once you started post-processing your images

    • Weekly photography tips via email from Lars

    • $300 off your next workshop tuition

  • - Camera Equipment
    - All flights
    - Travel Insurance (trip cancellation / interruption insurance, emergency medical insurance and rescue coverage are not required but strongly recommended)
    - Food & Alcoholic Drinks

  • (A full checklist will be emailed to you a month before the workshop)

    Recommended Camera Gear

    • DSLR or mirrorless camera

    • A variety of lenses ranging from wide angle (16-35mm), mid-range (24-105mm) to telephoto (100-400mm), and a lens for astrophotography. Bring what you can carry!

    • Sturdy tripod & ballhead (trade winds are very common in Hawaii!)

    • A remote shutter release

    • Circular polarizer and ND filters

    • Lens cloths

    • Extra batteries & memory cards (more than you think you need!)

    • Cleaning supplies for your camera (including a rocket blower)

    • A laptop with Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop

    • Rain protection for your camera gear & backpack

    • Underwater camera or waterproof housing, if desired to use. (I can give recommendations)

    • Drone, if desired to use

    • Your camera manual (digital file so you don’t have to carry it!)

    • Notebook & pen

  • I know from experience that large group settings tend to be overwhelming. That's why I am intentionally keeping groups small, even if larger groups would mean more profits for me. I want to be able to focus on your unique goals, on your individual struggles with the camera, on your photographs. That kind of care and attention is non-negotiable. Hence, there’s a strict cap of six participants per workshop. But: A small group means this workshop will fully book quickly. So don’t delay!

    Please note that there is a minimum of 4 participants required in order for the workshop to commence as planned — otherwise the workshop will be canceled and the fee will be refunded to you, in which case you are responsible for any potential travel costs incurred at that point. That is why I strongly recommend (but don’t require) you get travel insurance.

  • Your workshop booking is non-refundable but fully transferable. That means if you can't attend for any reason, you can transfer your booking to a photographer friend. But let's face it: You're not going to let this opportunity slip through your fingers, right?! 

    However: To protect yourself for any eventualities, please note that I strongly recommend (but do not require) you obtain travel insurance!

    Here's the fine print of my cancellation policy — I know you don't want any surprises:

    “Participant understands that the Price will not be refunded, credited or pro-rated.   It is Participant’s responsibility to ensure that Participant is present for the duration of the Workshop. Participant may transfer their Workshop registration to another individual only with Gesing’s prior written consent, and consent to transfer is not guaranteed.   Any transfer must be completed no fewer than thirty (30) days prior to the start date of the Workshop, and Participant is responsible for the logistics of any transfer.

    In the event that Gesing must change Workshop details, Gesing will make a reasonable effort to provide timely notice of such changes to Participant, but Gesing will not provide refunds.

    Each Workshop has a minimum number of participants as stated in its description.  In the event that a particular Workshop is less than 50% booked 30 days prior to the Workshop date, Gesing reserves the right to cancel the Workshop.

    In the event that Gesing cancels the Workshop, Gesing will timely provide a refund to Participant of the Price paid by Participant; Participant may choose whether to receive a refund or a credit towards a future Workshop.  Gesing is not responsible for damages incurred by Participant in reliance on this Agreement.”

  • You need to be at least 18 years of age in order to participate.